在蒙大拿Jefferson县发生直升机坠毁事件,有3名乘客;调查正在进行中。 Helicopter crash in Jefferson County, Montana, with 3 passengers; investigation ongoing.
星期天,一架直升机在蒙大拿州西北部杰斐逊县坠毁,机上有三名乘客。 A helicopter crashed in northwestern Jefferson County, Montana, on Sunday, with three passengers on board. Jefferson县治安官办公室正与国家运输安全委员会和联邦航空管理局合作进行调查。 The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office is investigating, in collaboration with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 目前乘客的状况不明,随着调查的继续,将提供更多的资料,涉及多个机构。 The condition of the passengers is currently unknown, and more information will be provided as the investigation continues, involving multiple agencies.