前澳大利亚飞行员Daniel Duggan试图以案件有缺陷和追溯法适用为由质疑他的美国引渡。 Former Australian pilot Daniel Duggan seeks to challenge his US extradition on grounds of flawed case and retroactive law application.
前澳大利亚飞行员Daniel Duggan正在质疑将他引渡到美国,因为据称2010年至2012年在南非培训中国军事人员。 Daniel Duggan, a former Australian pilot, is contesting his extradition to the US for allegedly training Chinese military personnel in South Africa from 2010 to 2012. 在被拘留22个月后,Duggan的妻子Saffrine向总检察长Mark Dreyfus提交了一份长达89页的文件,辩称美国的案件有缺陷,以2018年颁布的法律为依据,这些法律不追溯适用。 After 22 months in custody, Duggan's wife, Saffrine, submitted an 89-page document to Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, arguing the US case is flawed and based on laws enacted in 2018 that did not apply retroactively. Duggan应美国的要求于2022年10月被捕。 Duggan was arrested in October 2022 at the US's request.