根据联邦和Westpac银行的数据,7月至8月澳大利亚第3阶段减税没有大幅度增加消费支出。 Australian stage 3 tax cuts in July-August did not significantly increase consumer spending, according to Commonwealth and Westpac bank data.
尽管澳大利亚在7月和8月期间在第三阶段减税近50亿美元,但根据英联邦银行和Westpac银行的数据,消费者支出没有显著增加。 Despite nearly $5 billion in stage 3 tax cuts in Australia during July and August, consumer spending has not significantly increased, according to data from Commonwealth and Westpac banks. 这种停滞使人们对可能收回1 000亿美元的未支付税感到关切,这可能会进一步给店主和经济带来压力。 This stagnation raises concerns about the potential recovery of $100 billion in unpaid taxes, which could further strain shoppers and the economy. 最初,经济学家担心减税可能会刺激支出、通货膨胀和利率上升,但目前的数据显示情况并非如此。 Initially, economists worried that tax cuts might spur spending, inflation, and interest rate hikes, but the current data suggests otherwise.