Kamloops以北5号公路因油轮卡车撞车造成燃料泄漏而关闭。 Highway 5 north of Kamloops is closed due to a fuel spill from a tanker truck crash.
卡姆卢普以北5号公路因星期六晚上油轮卡车撞车造成燃料泄漏而关闭。 Highway 5 north of Kamloops is closed due to a fuel spill from a tanker truck crash that occurred Saturday night. 卡车的拖车翻转,燃料泄漏,但没有人员受伤的报告。 The truck's trailer flipped, leaking fuel, but no injuries were reported. 清理工作正在进行中,事故原因正在调查之中。 Clean-up efforts are ongoing, and the cause of the accident is under investigation. 没有重新开放的估计时间,预计BC驱动器会提供最新消息。 There is no estimated time for reopening, with DriveBC expected to provide updates. 对附近北汤普森河的影响仍未证实。 The impact on the nearby North Thompson River remains unconfirmed.