2020年亚利桑那州和佐治亚州选举官员在纪录片中宣扬毫无根据的欺诈指控, 2020 election officials in Arizona and Georgia promoted unfounded fraud claims to overturn Biden's victory in a documentary.
丹·里德(Dan Reed)导演“停止偷窃”, 探讨亚利桑那州和佐治亚州共和党官员的行动, 他们试图支持唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)推翻2020年总统选举结果的努力。 "Stopping the Steal," directed by Dan Reed, explores the actions of Republican officials in Arizona and Georgia who attempted to support Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Reed在一次NPR访谈中, 讨论这些官员如何鼓动毫无根据的选举舞弊指控, 质疑Joe Biden的胜利。 In an NPR interview, Reed discusses how these officials promoted unfounded claims of election fraud to challenge Joe Biden's victory. 纪录片重点介绍这种行动对美国民主进程完整性的影响。 The documentary highlights the implications of such actions on the integrity of the democratic process in the U.S.