59 岁的大卫·帕科 (David Pacoe) 在逃离交通拦截时与一辆半挂卡车相撞,身亡。 59-year-old David Pacoe died in a crash fleeing a traffic stop, colliding with a semi-truck.
David Pacoe,59岁,来自Warwick镇的老人,星期四早晨死于坠机,当时他逃离宾夕法尼亚州Earl镇的交通站。 David Pacoe, a 59-year-old man from Warwick Township, died early Thursday morning in a crash after fleeing a traffic stop in Earl Township, Pennsylvania. 他的轿车在北铁路大道和吉斯米尔路交汇处与一辆半卡车相撞。 His sedan collided with a semi-truck at the intersection of North Railroad Avenue and Gristmill Road. 验尸官判他意外死亡 归因于多处创伤 The coroner ruled his death accidental, attributing it to multiple traumatic injuries. 当局尚未透露交通拦截的原因,纽荷兰警方正在调查这起事件。 Authorities have not disclosed the reasons for the traffic stop, and the New Holland police are investigating the incident.