与气候变化有关的撒哈拉降雨造成乍得、尼日利亚和苏丹洪水泛滥。 Unprecedented Sahara rainfall linked to climate change causes flooding in Chad, Nigeria, and Sudan.
9月10日,撒哈拉沙漠发生前所未有的降雨,导致该地区异常的绿化和洪水泛滥。 On September 10, unprecedented rainfall occurred in the Sahara Desert, leading to unusual greening and flooding in the region. 这一转变与气候变化有关,因为热带间汇合区向北移动,导致降雨量增加,大西洋飓风模式中断。 This shift is linked to climate change, as the Intertropical Convergence Zone has moved northward, resulting in increased precipitation and disrupted Atlantic hurricane patterns. 这一现象在乍得、尼日利亚和苏丹等国家造成了灾难性洪灾,引起人们对全球变暖和化石燃料污染的影响的关切。 The phenomenon has caused catastrophic flooding in countries like Chad, Nigeria, and Sudan, raising concerns over the impacts of global warming and fossil fuel pollution.