乌克兰总统Zelensky计划在联合国大会上向拜登提出一项和平建议,目的是加强乌克兰并鼓励俄罗斯考虑结束战争。 Ukrainian President Zelensky plans to present a peace proposal to Biden at the UN General Assembly, aiming to strengthen Ukraine and encourage Russia's consideration for war end.
乌克兰总统Zelensky计划在本月晚些时候在联合国大会上向美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)提出与俄罗斯和平的“胜利计划”。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky plans to present his "victory plan" for peace with Russia to U.S. President Joe Biden at the UN General Assembly later this month. 该计划旨在加强乌克兰,促使俄罗斯考虑结束战争,而不宣布彻底解决。 The plan aims to strengthen Ukraine and induce Russian consideration for ending the war, without declaring an outright resolution. Zelensky还主张取消导弹供应限制,并计划在11月举行一次和平首脑会议,邀请俄罗斯参加。 Zelensky also advocates for lifting missile supply restrictions and plans a peace summit in November, inviting Russia to participate.