在秘鲁救援中心出生的眼镜熊幼崽,这是它 20 年来的第二次出生。 Spectacled bear cub born in Peruvian rescue center, marking its second birth in 20 years.
秘鲁北部Santa Catalina de Chongoyape的救援中心出生了一只雄熊幼熊,这是该设施保护这些脆弱熊20多年的第二次出生。 A spectacled bear cub was born in a rescue center in Santa Catalina de Chongoyape, northern Peru, marking the second birth at the facility, which has protected these vulnerable bears for over 20 years. 由公园护林员发现, 幼崽的出生突显了社区对保护的奉献。 Discovered by park rangers, the cub's birth highlights the community's dedication to conservation. 眼镜熊因其"帕丁顿熊"的特征而在全球闻名, 它们的原产地是安第斯山脉, 国际自然保护联盟将它们列为"易受伤害的动物". Spectacled bears, known globally due to the character Paddington Bear, are native to the Andes and are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.