肯塔基州克洛弗波特丧葬之家所有者因无证火葬被罚款58万美元。 Owner of Cloverport Funeral Home in Kentucky fined $580,000 for unlicensed cremations.
Anthony Oxendine, 肯塔基州Cloverport丧葬之家的主人, 面临58万美元的罚款, Anthony Oxendine, owner of Cloverport Funeral Home in Kentucky, faces a $580,000 fine for illegally conducting nearly 300 cremations without a license. Breckinridge巡回法院在总检察长办公室调查后判处了这一刑罚,总检察长办公室发现该设施自1月以来非法运作。 The Breckinridge Circuit Court imposed this penalty following an investigation by the Attorney General's Office, which found the facility operating unlawfully since January. 殡仪馆仍然关闭,对Oxendine的诉讼正在进行中,因为他以前在印第安纳拥有一所丧葬院,但被吊销执照。 The funeral home remains closed, and litigation against Oxendine is ongoing, as he previously owned a funeral home in Indiana with a suspended license.