阿萨姆有4 669名长期服务于合同制高中教师,他们的工作将永久化。 4,669 long-serving contractual high school teachers in Assam will have their jobs made permanent.
已在高中工作14年多的4669名合同教师将获得永久性工作. The Assam government has announced that 4,669 contractual teachers, employed in high schools for over 14 years, will have their jobs made permanent. 这些教师最初于2010年聘用,其工资相当于长期工作人员三年,但缺乏某些福利。 Initially hired in 2010, these teachers have been earning salaries comparable to permanent staff for three years but lacked certain benefits. 他们可以选择要么继续担任目前的角色,要么向永久职位过渡。 They can choose between remaining in their current roles or transitioning to permanent positions. 在此之前,该国最近约有25 000名小学教师正规化。 This follows the recent regularization of around 25,000 primary school teachers in the state.