300家德国公司要求Baerbock外长处理中国雇员签证延误问题,这影响了竞争力。 300 German firms request Foreign Minister Baerbock to address visa delays for their Chinese employees, impacting competitiveness.
在中国的德国公司在为其中国雇员前往德国获得签证方面面临严重延误,目前平均处理时间为三个月。 German companies in China are facing significant delays in obtaining visas for their Chinese employees to travel to Germany, with processing times now averaging three months. 由300家公司签署的德国商会的一封信敦促外交部长安娜莱娜·贝尔博克解决这些问题。 A letter from the German chambers of commerce, signed by 300 firms, urged Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock to address these issues. 这些公司强调,总部和中国子公司之间的有效交流对保持竞争力至关重要。 The companies stress that efficient exchange between their headquarters and Chinese subsidiaries is vital for maintaining competitiveness.