津巴布韦的津巴布韦BIMBUILD首席执行官呼吁在基础设施发展和住房方面建立公私伙伴关系。 Zimbabwe's ZIMBUILD CEO calls for public-private partnerships in infrastructure development and housing.
津巴布韦的ZIMBUILD房地产投资首席执行官Tinashe Manzungu敦促政府将重点放在公私投资上,以吸引资本和必要的基础设施开发设备。 Zimbabwe's ZIMBUILD Property Investments CEO, Tinashe Manzungu, urged the government to focus on public-private investment to attract capital and necessary equipment for infrastructure development. 他在哈拉雷的一个论坛上发言,强调在住房、教育和电力供应等部门建立伙伴关系的重要性,特别是在津巴布韦面临经济挑战的情况下。 Speaking at a forum in Harare, he emphasized the importance of partnerships in sectors like housing, education, and power supply, especially as Zimbabwe faces economic challenges. Manzungu强调,需要大量的私人投资,以实现到2025年建造100万套住房的目标。 Manzungu highlighted the need for substantial private investment to meet the goal of one million housing units by 2025.