阿联酋投资者访问哈拉雷,探讨住房和农业领域的投资机会。 UAE investors visit Harare to explore investment opportunities in housing and agriculture.
受到姆南加古瓦总统对津巴布韦发展的承诺的鼓舞,阿联酋投资者访问哈拉雷,探索住房和农业等领域的投资机会。 UAE investors visit Harare to explore investment opportunities in sectors like housing and agriculture, encouraged by President Mnangagwa's commitment to Zimbabwe's development. 他们规划了铁路、低成本住房和抗旱援助等项目。 They plan projects like railways, low-cost housing, and drought aid. 津巴布韦代表团由特别总统投资顾问 Paul Tungwarara 率领,正在与多个国家开展贸易和投资。 Delegation led by Special Presidential Investment Advisor Paul Tungwarara, as Zimbabwe engages with various countries for trade and investment.