60岁的Alison Cooper认罪 6月16日在Barthomley造成致命车祸 杀死29岁的Chris Parsons 60-year-old Alison Cooper pleaded guilty to causing fatal car accident on June 16 in Barthomley, which killed 29-year-old Chris Parsons.
Alison Cooper 60岁 认罪 2022年6月16日在Cheshire的Barthomley 造成29岁的Chris Parsons在车祸中死亡 Alison Cooper, 60, pleaded guilty to causing the death of 29-year-old Chris Parsons in a car accident on June 16, 2022, in Barthomley, Cheshire. Cooper突然刹车迫使Parsons转弯 导致交通阻断 导致他死亡 Cooper's abrupt braking forced Parsons to swerve, leading to a collision with oncoming traffic that resulted in his death. Parsons, 3岁的父亲, 受到家人的尊敬, Parsons, a father of three, was honored by his family as a kind and caring person. 库珀将于11月8日在切斯特刑事法院被判刑 Cooper will be sentenced on November 8 at Chester Crown Court.