华盛顿州禁止喂食斯波卡内附近的鹿、驼鹿和鹿,以防止慢性消瘦疾病蔓延。 Washington State bans feeding of elk, moose, and deer near Spokane to prevent chronic wasting disease spread.
华盛顿州颁布了一项紧急规则,禁止在斯波卡内附近的三个狩猎区喂养鹿、驼鹿和鹿,以防治慢性消瘦疾病。 Washington State has enacted an emergency rule banning the feeding of elk, moose, and deer in three hunting districts near Spokane to combat chronic wasting disease (CWD). 这是华盛顿渔业和野生生物部(WDFW)首次禁止这样做,该部还禁止用诱饵打猎,对附近的猎人强制进行CWD测试,并限制运输动物部件。 This is the first such prohibition by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), which also introduced a ban on hunting with bait, mandatory CWD testing for nearby hunters, and restrictions on transporting animal parts. CWD是影响子宫颈神经系统的致命疾病。 CWD is a fatal disease affecting cervid nervous systems.