慢性消瘦疾病在多个州的鹿间传播,在印第安纳和密歇根有新病例。 Chronic Wasting Disease spreads among deer in multiple states, with new cases in Indiana and Michigan.
在包括蒙大拿州、印地安那州和密歇根州在内的多个州的鹿、鹿和驼鹿人口中,慢性消瘦疾病继续蔓延。 Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) continues to spread among deer, elk, and moose populations in multiple states, including Montana, Indiana, and Michigan. 最近,印第安纳州确认了在拉格朗奇县的首例病例,而密歇根州则在第14县确诊了该疾病。 Recently, Indiana confirmed its first case in LaGrange County, while Michigan identified the disease in its 14th county. 作为回应,野生生物机构正在增加鹿狩猎许可证,并向居民提供咨询,以清除野生生物的诱饵。 In response, wildlife agencies are increasing deer hunting licenses and advising residents to remove wildlife attractants. 自2015年以来,密歇根州已经测试了109,000多只鹿,没有报告有人类感染病例,尽管疾控中心建议不要食用感染动物。 Over 109,000 deer have been tested in Michigan since 2015, with no reported human infections, though the CDC advises against consuming infected animals.