蒂努布总统赞美海外尼日利亚人,强调全球联系,并赞扬天主教会的努力。 President Tinubu praises Nigerians abroad, stresses global ties, and lauds the Catholic Church's efforts.
博拉·蒂努布总统赞扬在海外的尼日利亚人取得的成就,并敦促他们在国内激励年轻一代。 President Bola Tinubu praised Nigerians abroad for their achievements and urged them to inspire younger generations back home. 在与包括加拿大高级专员和埃塞俄比亚大使在内的外国贵宾会晤时,Tinubu强调了尼日利亚的全球联系和大陆稳定的重要性。 During meetings with foreign dignitaries, including the High Commissioner of Canada and the Ambassador of Ethiopia, Tinubu emphasized the importance of Nigeria's global ties and continental stability. 他还赞扬天主教教会在教育和减贫方面所做的工作。 He also commended the Catholic Church for its work in education and poverty reduction.