阿拉巴马州弗农山发生劳工节车祸, 4人死亡, 一辆2016年福特探险车偏离路线,撞上一棵树,并起火. 4 individuals died in a Labor Day crash in Mount Vernon, Alabama, when a 2016 Ford Explorer veered off the road, hit a tree, and caught fire.
阿拉巴马州弗农山的劳动节车祸夺走了四人的生命:Richard D. Dees Jr.(41 岁)、Savana M. Fuell(28 岁)、Brittney N. Goolsby(34 岁)和一名新生儿。 A Labor Day crash in Mount Vernon, Alabama, claimed the lives of four individuals: Richard D. Dees Jr. (41), Savana M. Fuell (28), Brittney N. Goolsby (34), and a newborn. 迪斯开着一辆2016年的福特探险车 撞到一棵树 着火了 Dees was driving a 2016 Ford Explorer that veered off the road, struck a tree, and caught fire. 一名30岁的妇女Kalan A. Weaver幸存并住院治疗。 A 30-year-old woman, Kalan A. Weaver, survived and was hospitalized. 阿拉巴马执法机构正在调查9月2日上午6时发生的事件。 The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is investigating the incident, which occurred on September 2nd at 6 a.m.