印度物流公司Delhivery对Ecom Express在IPO招股说明书中关于货运指标和服务区域的说法提出异议. Indian logistics company Delhivery disputes Ecom Express' IPO prospectus claims regarding shipment metrics and service area.
印度一家由软银支持的物流公司Delhivery公开质疑Ecom ExpressIPO招股说明书中的数据准确性. Delhivery, an Indian logistics company backed by SoftBank, has publicly challenged the accuracy of metrics in Ecom Express' IPO prospectus. Delhivery 声称 Ecom Express 通过将退回的订单视为双重发货并夸大其服务区域来歪曲其业务。 Delhivery claims Ecom Express misrepresented its business by counting returned orders as double shipments and overstating its service area. 此外,德里质疑Ecom Express财务衡量标准的一致性。 Additionally, Delhivery questions the consistency of Ecom Express' financial metrics. Ecom Express旨在为即将到来的IPO筹集3.10亿美元,但尚未对指控作出评论。 Ecom Express aims to raise $310 million in its upcoming IPO and has not yet commented on the allegations.