牛津郡紧急护理人员因在救护车上对病人进行性攻击而入狱。 Emergency care worker in Oxfordshire jailed for sexually assaulting patients in ambulance.
一名来自牛津郡的紧急护理工作者因在救护车后面对妇女实施严重的性攻击而被判处监禁。 An emergency care worker from Oxfordshire has been sentenced to prison for committing serious sexual assaults on women while they were in the back of an ambulance. 这些被称为“恐怖”的事件发生在Banbury和Leamington附近。 The incidents, described as "horrendous," occurred near Banbury and Leamington. 该案凸显了对紧急医疗服务安全和信任的关切。 The case highlights concerns over the safety and trust in emergency medical services.