一个客户试图用一家餐馆收据上的手写信用卡号码付款。 A customer attempted to pay with a handwritten credit card number on a receipt at a restaurant.
一位TikTok用户和服务器@girlypopzonly报道说, 一位顾客试图用收据上写有信用卡号码来支付昂贵的餐费. A TikTok user and server, @girlypopzonly, reported that a customer tried to pay for an expensive meal with a handwritten credit card number on the receipt. 当服务器质疑支付方法的有效性时, 客户回答说, “我不会争论。 When the server questioned the validity of the payment method, the customer responded, "I'm not going to argue. 上帝得到了这个," 并离开 没有支付。 God's got this," and left without paying. 这起事件引发了在线讨论, 认为餐厅需要先要求信用卡或存款, This incident has sparked online discussions about the need for restaurants to require a credit card or deposit before serving customers to avoid payment issues.