通过人工智能驱动的字幕和语言服务, 扩大了AI-Media和Speechmatics的合作伙伴关系. AI-Media and Speechmatics expand partnership for advanced AI-driven captioning and language services.
AI-Media 和 Speakistics已经扩大了其战略伙伴关系,以加强AI驱动的字幕和语言服务技术。 AI-Media and Speechmatics have expanded their strategic partnership to enhance AI-driven captioning and language services technologies. 通过将Speechmatics的语音转化为文本功能与AI-Media的编码设备相结合, 这项合作旨在为包括广播和政府在内的各个部门创造创新解决方案. By integrating Speechmatics' speech-to-text capabilities with AI-Media's encoding appliances, the collaboration aims to create innovative solutions for various sectors, including broadcasting and government. 这一伙伴关系将加强其市场存在,并适应全球语文服务行业不断变化的需要。 This partnership will strengthen their market presence and adapt to the evolving needs of the global language services industry.