AI-Media与ITV合作,通过AI授权字幕提高无障碍性和效率。 AI-Media partners with ITV to enhance accessibility and efficiency through AI-powered captioning.
AI-Media与英国最大的商业广播公司ITV合作,通过AI授权字幕改善广播的无障碍性和效率。 AI-Media has partnered with ITV, the UK's largest commercial broadcaster, to improve accessibility and efficiency in broadcasting through AI-powered captioning. 合作将实施AI-Media的LEXI实时自动字幕系统,加强ITV的现有基础设施。 The collaboration will implement AI-Media's LEXI live automatic captioning system, enhancing ITV's existing infrastructure. 预计这种自动化将节省费用,增加字幕可用性,提高服务质量,使更多的受众受益,使区域新闻报道得到改善。 This automation is expected to lead to cost savings, increased caption availability, and improved service quality, benefiting a wider audience with better regional news coverage.