密歇根三河社区学校因社交媒体威胁于9月12日关闭。 Three Rivers Community Schools in Michigan close on September 12 due to a social media threat.
9月12日, 密歇根三河社区学校因社交媒体威胁关闭。 Three Rivers Community Schools in Michigan will be closed on September 12 due to a social media threat. 学校区将安全列为优先事项,并与三河警察局合作开展了一项调查。 The school district is prioritizing safety and has launched an investigation in collaboration with the Three Rivers Police Department. 将在获得更多资料后提供最新情况。 Updates will be provided as more information becomes available. 这一关闭是继最近拜伦中心公立学校也因无端威胁谣言关闭的事件之后发生的。 This closure follows a recent incident where Byron Center Public Schools also closed due to unfounded threat rumors.