密歇根州湾县、米德兰县、萨吉诺县和底特律大都会县的学校因极度寒冷而关闭。 Schools in Michigan's Bay, Midland, Saginaw, and Metro Detroit counties close due to extreme cold.
由于极端寒冷的天气,贝城、米德兰、萨吉诺和底特律大都会县的学校已于 1 月 21 日星期二关闭,预计气温将降至零度以下。 Schools in Bay City, Midland, Saginaw, and Metro Detroit counties have closed on Tuesday, January 21, due to extreme cold weather, with temperatures expected to drop below zero. 寒冷天气咨询影响了几个县,学校将评估周三可能关闭的条件。 The cold weather advisory affects several counties, and schools will assess conditions for potential Wednesday closures. 有关更新,请查看当地新闻网站或下载 4Warn 天气应用程序。 For updates, check local news sites or download the 4Warn weather app.