缅因州米诺特综合学校公共汽车失事时有16名学生受伤,原因正在调查中。 16 students injured in Minot Consolidated School bus crash in Maine; cause under investigation.
周二上午,缅因州迈诺特综合学校的一辆校车撞上沟渠,造成 16 名学生受伤。 On Tuesday morning, a school bus from Minot Consolidated School in Maine crashed into a ditch, injuring 16 students. 事件发生在上午8时05分左右,43名乘客在船上。 The incident occurred around 8:05 a.m., with 43 passengers aboard. 急救人员评估了学生的轻伤,学校工作人员提供支助。 First responders assessed the students' minor injuries, and school staff provided support. 直接与家人联系,联合救护车继续监测在校学生的情况。 Families were contacted directly, and United Ambulance continued monitoring the students at school. 飞机坠毁原因正由Androscoggin县警察局调查。 The cause of the crash is under investigation by the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office.