CCI发现亚马逊, Flipkart 偏向特定的销售商,违反了当地竞争法。 CCI finds Amazon, Flipkart violated local competition laws by favoring specific sellers.
印度竞争委员会(CCI)认定,亚马逊和沃尔玛的Flipkart偏向特定的销售商,提高它们在寻找结果中的能见度,而排斥他人,从而违反了当地竞争法。 India's Competition Commission (CCI) has determined that Amazon and Walmart's Flipkart violated local competition laws by favoring specific sellers, enhancing their visibility in search results while sidelining others. 8月9日的广泛报告中详述了调查结果,这些公司将在评估潜在罚款之前对调查结果进行审查。 The findings, detailed in extensive reports from August 9, will be reviewed by the companies before potential fines are assessed. 这项调查补充了小型零售商不断进行的检查,这些小零售商声称这种做法损害其商业。 This investigation adds to ongoing scrutiny from smaller retailers who claim such practices harm their businesses.