卡纳塔克高等法院因程序错误而停止了CCI对Flipkart和亚马逊的调查。 Karnataka High Court halts CCI investigation of Flipkart and Amazon due to procedural error.
卡纳塔克高等法院暂停了印度竞争委员会对Flipkart和亚马逊的调查,原因是印度竞争委员会总干事在程序上犯了错误。 The Karnataka High Court has temporarily paused the Competition Commission of India's (CCI) investigation into Flipkart and Amazon due to a procedural error by the CCI's director general. DG未经事先批准,违反既定程序,将卖方重新分类。 The DG reclassified sellers without prior approval, violating established procedures. 这项调查的重点是指控从事反竞争做法和违反外国直接投资条例的公司。 This investigation focuses on allegations that the companies engaged in anti-competitive practices and violated foreign direct investment (FDI) regulations. 下一次听讯定于10月21日举行。 The next hearing is set for October 21.