美国政府将亚美尼亚用于民主和经济增长的资金增加一倍,达到2.5亿美元。 U.S. government doubles Armenia funding to $250 million for democracy and economic growth.
美国政府将亚美尼亚的筹资上限翻了一番,从1.2亿美元增加到2.5亿美元,以促进民主和经济增长。 The U.S. government has doubled its funding ceiling for Armenia from $120 million to $250 million to enhance democracy and economic growth. 经修订的发展目标赠款协定将侧重于关键领域,包括备灾、网络安全、粮食和能源安全以及区域合作。 The revised Development Objectives Grant Agreement (DOAG) will focus on key areas including disaster readiness, cybersecurity, food and energy security, and regional cooperation. 这种伙伴关系强调民主价值观,旨在通过各种联合方案提高公民的生活质量。 This partnership emphasizes democratic values and aims to improve citizens' quality of life through various joint programs.