英国通过Interflex行动训练乌克兰士兵限制了英国陆军自己的训练空间, UK's training of Ukrainian soldiers via Operation Interflex limits British Army's own training space, increasing rejected requests.
联合王国国家审计署(NAO)报告说,在Interflex行动下对乌克兰士兵的培训限制了英国军队自身的训练能力。 The UK's National Audit Office (NAO) reports that the training of Ukrainian soldiers under Operation Interflex is limiting the British Army's own training capabilities. 陆军四分之一的训练设施都用于这一计划,导致2023年与2019年相比,被拒绝的训练空间申请增加了八倍. A quarter of the Army's training facilities are dedicated to this initiative, leading to an eightfold increase in rejected requests for training space in 2023 compared to 2019. 尽管存在这些制约因素,联合王国仍承诺提供78亿英镑,支持乌克兰直至2025年,并不断开展培训工作。 Despite these constraints, the UK has committed £7.8 billion in support for Ukraine through 2025, with ongoing training efforts.