贾斯珀市议会在野火后无法为2 000名流离失所居民提供临时住房。 Jasper town council unable to provide temporary housing for 2,000 displaced residents after wildfire.
艾伯塔的贾斯珀镇议会已决定,它不能为所有因7月的野火而流离失所的居民提供临时住房,这场野火摧毁了800多个单位,使该镇约2,000名居民无家可归。 The Jasper town council in Alberta has determined it cannot provide temporary housing for all residents displaced by a July wildfire that destroyed over 800 units, leaving about 2,000 of the town’s 5,000 residents homeless. 联合恢复协调中心正在优先为像医院工作人员一样的骨干工人提供住房,同时在重新开放学校时考虑教师的选择。 The Joint Recovery Co-ordination Centre is prioritizing housing for essential workers, like hospital staff, while considering options for teachers as schools reopen. 温迪·霍尔议员对一些居民可能被忽略表示关切。 Councillor Wendy Hall has raised concerns that some residents may be overlooked.