联邦法官以违反第一修正案为由,阻止犹他州为未成年人制定社交媒体法。 Federal judge blocks Utah's social media law for minors, citing First Amendment violation.
一名联邦法官封锁了犹他州旨在保护未成年人的社交媒体法, A federal judge has blocked Utah's social media law aimed at protecting minors, granting a preliminary injunction to tech group NetChoice. 法律规定儿童账户必须严格保密和年龄核查。 Set to take effect on October 1, the law required strict privacy settings and age verification for children's accounts. 法官裁定,犹他州未能证明法律符合令人信服的国家利益,违反了《第一修正案》,有可能危及它寻求保护的个人。 The judge ruled that Utah failed to prove the law serves a compelling state interest and that it violates the First Amendment, potentially endangering the very individuals it seeks to protect.