中非共和国在非洲开发银行和欧洲联盟的资助下,发射了一条900公里长的光纤电缆,提高了互联网的速度和连通性。 CAR launched a 900-km fibre-optic cable, funded by the African Development Bank and European Union, increasing internet speed and connectivity.
中非共和国在非洲开发银行和欧洲联盟的资助下,发射了一条900公里长的光纤电缆,提高了互联网的速度和连通性。 The Central African Republic (CAR) has launched a 900-kilometre fibre-optic cable, funded by the African Development Bank and the European Union, enhancing internet speed and connectivity. 这一基础设施将因特网速度从3个千兆位/秒提高到10个千兆位/秒,支持班吉大学的数字培训中心,使获得技术和创新项目成为可能。 This infrastructure, which increased internet speed from 3 Gbps to 10 Gbps, supports a digital training center at the University of Bangui, enabling access to technology and innovative projects. 该倡议使中非共和国对增加数字服务和区域连通性具有战略意义。 The initiative positions CAR strategically for increased digital services and regional connectivity.