在安特里姆城堡花园的伊丽莎白女王二世的铜像引发了对相似性的争议。 Bronze statue of Queen Elizabeth II in Antrim Castle Gardens sparks controversy over likeness.
在北爱尔兰Antrim城堡花园揭幕的伊丽莎白女王二世的铜像引发了对它与已故君主及其丈夫Philip王子的相似性的争议。 A bronze statue of Queen Elizabeth II, unveiled in Antrim Castle Gardens, Northern Ireland, has sparked controversy over its likeness to the late monarch and her husband, Prince Philip. 批评者们嘲笑了雕像,把它与道费尔夫人的性格相比较,而Antrim和NewtownabbbeyBorough理事会则声称,它得到了许多来访者的正面欢迎。 Critics have mocked the statue, comparing it to the character Mrs. Doubtfire, while the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council claims it has received a positive reception from many visitors. 理事会承认关于艺术作品的不同意见,强调理事会打算尊重女王的遗产。 The council acknowledged the diverse opinions on the artwork, emphasizing its intention to honor the Queen's legacy.