在不列颠哥伦比亚温哥华岛,保守派领袖John Rustad讨论了性别、堕胎和选举廉正问题,同时避免具体细节。 At Vancouver Island, BC, John Rustad, Conservative Leader, discussed gender, abortion, and election integrity while avoiding specifics.
在温哥华岛的一次社区活动中,不列颠哥伦比亚省保守派领袖约翰·鲁斯塔德讨论了性别、堕胎和选举廉正等敏感议题,同时避免采取明确立场。 At a community event on Vancouver Island, BC Conservative Leader John Rustad addressed sensitive topics like gender, abortion, and election integrity while avoiding definitive stances. 他强调妇女在不分性别的洗手间方面的安全,并说堕胎是联邦问题,他所在的政党不会重新审查。 He emphasized women's safety regarding gender-neutral washrooms and stated that abortion is a federal issue his party won't revisit. 鲁斯塔德还提议对选票进行10%的随机审计, 目的是转移批评, Rustad also proposed a 10% random audit of election ballots, aiming to deflect criticism and appeal to potential voters without appearing extreme.