哥伦比亚省保守党领袖讨论能源未来,反对碳税,同时支持核电选项. BC Conservative Party leader discusses energy future, opposing carbon tax while advocating nuclear options.
不列颠哥伦比亚省保守党领袖约翰·鲁斯塔德 (John Rustad) 在乔丹·彼得森 (Jordan Peterson) 的播客中讨论了能源和教育。 John Rustad, leader of the British Columbia Conservative Party, discussed energy and education on Jordan Peterson's podcast. 他主张重新考虑核能在该省能源未来中的作用,反对征收碳税。 He advocates for reconsidering nuclear power's role in the province's energy future and opposes the carbon tax. Rustad批评教育系统将批判性思维技能的灌输放在优先地位, Rustad criticized the education system for prioritizing indoctrination over critical thinking skills, arguing that B.C. 应该探索诸如小型模块化反应堆等核选择,表明目前的禁令是出于政治动机,而不是出于环境动机。 should explore nuclear options like small modular reactors, suggesting that current bans are politically motivated rather than environmentally driven.