Tory Lanez 的录音设备在加利福尼亚监狱被没收;“监狱录像带”发行的后果未知。 Tory Lanez's recording equipment seized in Californian prison; unknown consequences for "Prison Tapes" release.
Tory Lanez是一名加拿大说唱歌手,在加利福尼亚服刑10年,他因2020年涉及Megan Thee Stallion的枪击案而被判处10年徒刑,他的录音设备被狱警没收。 Tory Lanez, a Canadian rapper serving a 10-year sentence in California for a 2020 shooting involving Megan Thee Stallion, had his recording equipment confiscated by prison guards. 禁止囚犯拥有录音设备。 Inmates are prohibited from having recording devices. 在查封之前,Lanez每周在“监狱录音带”标签下放音乐。 Prior to the seizure, Lanez was releasing weekly music under the "Prison Tapes" label. 尚不清楚这些设备是隐藏的还是警卫知道的。 It remains unclear whether the equipment was hidden or if guards were aware of it. 他的法律小组正在等待关于潜在后果的细节。 His legal team is awaiting details on potential consequences.