最高法院法官Kagan提议设立一个下级法院法官小组,负责道德守则的执行,以恢复公众的信任。 Supreme Court Justice Kagan proposes a panel of lower court judges for ethics code enforcement to restore public trust.
最高法院法官Elena Kagan主张为法院的道德守则建立一个强有力的执行机制,该守则于去年11月通过,但因缺乏执行而受到批评。 Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan has advocated for a robust enforcement mechanism for the Court's ethics code, which was adopted last November but criticized for lacking enforcement. 在纽约大学,她提议设立一个由首席法官约翰·罗伯茨任命的下级法院法官小组,评估对法官的指控。 At NYU, she proposed a panel of lower court judges, appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts, to evaluate allegations against justices. 卡甘的立场与拜登院长和凯坦吉·布朗·杰克逊法官的立场是一致的,其目的是在日益不赞成法院的情况下恢复公众的信任。 Kagan's stance, which aligns with President Biden and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, aims to restore public trust amid growing disapproval of the Court.