Christopher Kavanaugh三年多后辞去弗吉尼亚西区美国检察官的职务。 Christopher Kavanaugh resigns as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia after over three years.
美国维吉尼亚西区检察官克里斯托弗·卡瓦诺在任职三年多后辞去职务。 Christopher Kavanaugh, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, has stepped down from his position after more than three years in office. 在他任职期间,出现了一些值得注意的案例,包括Scott Jenkins因欺诈和贿赂而被定罪,以及McKinsey因向药品制造商提供咨询而被起诉的案件。 His tenure was marked by notable cases, including the conviction of Scott Jenkins for fraud and bribery and a case against McKinsey for advising drug manufacturers. Kavanaugh的妻子Jasmine Yoon最近被确认为美国区法官,她感谢拜登总统、参议员和总检察长在他任职期间给予的支持。 Kavanaugh, whose wife Jasmine Yoon was recently confirmed as a U.S. District Judge, thanked President Biden, Senators, and the Attorney General for their support during his service.