欧美免疫疗法公司开始Tedopi®癌症疫苗的第三期临床试验,用于转移性NSCLC的抗药性. OSE Immunotherapeutics launches Phase 3 clinical trial of cancer vaccine Tedopi® for metastatic NSCLC resistance.
OSE Immun治疗学已经启动了第3阶段的临床试验,试验其癌症疫苗Tedopi,针对的是转移性非小型细胞肺癌(NSCLC)。 OSE Immunotherapeutics has launched a Phase 3 clinical trial for its cancer vaccine, Tedopi®, targeting metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 这项名为Artemia的试验将对Tedopi®与对抗免疫检查点抑制剂耐药的HLA- A2阳性患者的标准治疗进行评估. Named the Artemia trial, it will evaluate Tedopi® against standard care in HLA-A2 positive patients resistant to immune checkpoint inhibitors. 该研究涉及363名病人,旨在评估总体存活情况,将Tedopi标记为二线NSCLC在治疗未满足需求方面的一大进步。 The study, involving 363 patients, aims to assess overall survival, marking Tedopi® as a significant advance in treating unmet needs in second-line NSCLC.