由于气候变化,意大利牡蛎农民开始在地中海种植红海珍珠牡蛎。 Italian oyster farmers begin cultivating Red Sea pearl oysters in the Mediterranean due to climate change.
意大利牡蛎养殖者将首次在地中海养殖原产于红海的珍珠贝 Pinctada radiata。 Italian oyster farmers are set to cultivate pearl oysters, Pinctada radiata, native to the Red Sea, in the Mediterranean for the first time. 由于气候变化导致水温上升,该物种出现在意大利诗人湾。 The species has appeared in Italy's Gulf of Poets due to rising water temperatures from climate change. 这一转变为珍珠工业提供了新的机会,每年价值110亿美元。 This shift presents a new opportunity in the pearl industry, valued at $11 billion annually. 预计一年之内会收获,因为农民的目标是利用该区域日益扩大的热水物种。 Harvests are expected within a year, as farmers aim to capitalize on the growing presence of warm-water species in the region.