Waseem Ullah因在持续接触后对一名年轻女孩进行性攻击而被判处10年监禁。 Waseem Ullah sentenced to 10 years for sexually assaulting a young girl after persistent contact.
Waseem Ullah, 28岁,来自博尔顿,因向一名年轻女孩提供金钱后对她进行性攻击,被判处十年监禁。 Waseem Ullah, a 28-year-old from Bolton, was sentenced to ten years in prison for sexually assaulting a young girl after offering her money. 尽管她遭到拒绝,并告诉他她的年龄,但Ullah坚持用假名与她联系。 Despite her rejection and informing him of her age, Ullah persisted in contacting her using a false name. 母亲于2022年5月发现并上报了这些讯息。 The mother discovered the messages and reported it in May 2022. Ullah最初否认这些指控,后来承认与一名儿童进行性交流并犯有其他攻击罪,导致他被监禁。 Ullah, initially denying the charges, later admitted to sexually communicating with a child and other counts of assault, leading to his imprisonment.