丹麦的研究将妇女哮喘与流产风险增加和生育治疗需求增加联系起来。 Danish study links asthma in women to increased miscarriage risk and higher fertility treatment need.
丹麦向欧洲呼吸道协会大会提交的一项研究表明,患有哮喘的妇女可能面临更大的流产风险(17%对15.7%),与没有哮喘的妇女相比,生育治疗的需求(5.6%对5%)更大。 A Danish study presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress indicates that women with asthma may face increased risks of miscarriage (17% vs. 15.7%) and a greater need for fertility treatments (5.6% vs. 5%) compared to those without asthma. 尽管存在这些挑战,77%患有哮喘的妇女成功分娩。 Despite these challenges, 77% of women with asthma successfully gave birth. 研究表明,哮喘妇女应当就潜在的生殖挑战和哮喘管理向保健提供者咨询。 The study suggests women with asthma should consult healthcare providers about potential reproductive challenges and asthma management.