在人民院,拉胡尔·甘地指责印度人民党在印度教徒中煽动“暴力和仇恨”,引发争议。 In the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi sparked controversy by accusing BJP of promoting "violence and hate" among Hindus.
在人民院,反对党领袖拉胡尔·甘地声称那些自称是印度教徒的人昼夜不停地进行“暴力和仇恨”,引发争议。 In the Lok Sabha, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi sparked controversy by claiming that those who call themselves Hindus are engaged in "violence and hate" round the clock. 印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪和其他印度人民党成员提出抗议,莫迪声称将整个印度教社会贴上暴力的标签是一件严重的事。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other BJP members protested, with Modi asserting that labeling the entire Hindu society as violent is a serious matter. 拉胡尔·甘地为他的言论辩护,称他指的是印度人民党,而不是整个印度教社区。 Rahul Gandhi defended his statement, saying he was referring to the BJP, not the Hindu community as a whole.