心电图公司为心血管疾病中AI驱动的药物发现筹集了6.5M美元。 CardiaTec raises $6.5M for AI-driven drug discovery in cardiovascular diseases.
剑桥大学的CardiaTec已经获得了650万美元,以推进人工智能驱动的治疗心血管疾病的药物发现,这些疾病每年导致1790万死亡. Cambridge University's CardiaTec has secured $6.5 million to advance AI-driven drug discovery for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which cause 17.9 million deaths annually. 与英国和美国65家医院结成伙伴关系, 创建了最大的人类心脏组织多组类数据集。 The startup is creating the largest human heart tissue multi-omics dataset through partnerships with 65 hospitals in the UK and US. 通过分析复杂的生物数据, 卡迪亚科技旨在发现新型治疗方法, 并提高对心血管疾病机制的理解. By analyzing complex biological data, CardiaTec aims to uncover novel treatments and enhance understanding of CVD mechanisms.