一名不列颠哥伦比亚妇女在皇家骑警羁押期间两次要求住院治疗后因吸毒过量而死亡。 A British Columbia woman in RCMP custody died from a drug overdose after requesting hospital care twice.
不列颠哥伦比亚省一名妇女两次要求住院治疗后,在皇家骑警监狱牢房中因吸毒过量而死亡。 A British Columbia woman died from a drug overdose in an RCMP jail cell after requesting hospital care twice. 独立调查办公室报告说,虽然警官没有犯罪,但这一事件引起了对在押中醉酒者所受待遇的关切。 The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) reported that, while officers did not commit an offense, the incident raises concerns about the treatment of intoxicated individuals in custody. IIO临时局长Sandra Hentzen强调,保健专业人员,而不是警察,应该处理这类案件。 IIO interim director Sandra Hentzen emphasized that healthcare professionals, not police, should manage such cases. 调查结果已转交皇家骑警民事投诉委员会审查。 The findings have been forwarded to the RCMP's Civilian Complaints Commission for review.