29岁的Alexander Reinhardt因据称绑架、殴打和非法持有火器而在纽约西塞罗被捕。 29-year-old Alexander Reinhardt arrested in Cicero, New York, for alleged kidnapping, assault, and illegal firearm possession.
来自萨利纳的 29 岁男子亚历山大·莱因哈特 (Alexander Reinhardt) 于 9 月 7 日在纽约西塞罗被捕,此前他涉嫌违背一名妇女的意愿挟持并袭击她。 Alexander Reinhardt, a 29-year-old from Salina, was arrested in Cicero, New York, on September 7, after allegedly holding a woman against her will and assaulting her. 事件从凌晨2时至上午7时持续,受害者逃跑并与警察联系。 The incident lasted from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. before the victim escaped and contacted police. 警方在雷恩哈特身上发现了一把非法手枪和一个15弹装箱. Officers found an illegal handgun and a 15-round magazine in Reinhardt's possession. 他面临多项指控,保释金为50 000美元现金或75 000美元的保证金。 He faces multiple charges and is being held on bail set at $50,000 cash or $75,000 bond.