波兰向威斯瓦夫·库库亚将军倡议的爆炸探测犬提供军衔。 Poland grants military ranks to explosive-detecting dogs, initiated by Gen. Wiesław Kukuła.
波兰推出了一个表彰军犬的方案,授予军犬军衔,从私人军衔到军士衔,以表彰他们在探测爆炸物方面的服务。 Poland has introduced a program honoring military dogs by awarding them army ranks, ranging from private to sergeant, for their service in detecting explosives. 由威斯瓦夫·库库亚将军发起,各级官兵认识到这些狗在保护人类生命方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 Initiated by Gen. Wiesław Kukuła, the ranks recognize the vital role these dogs play in protecting human life. 这种象征性的姿态得到了他们的管家的接受,加强了他们与警犬伙伴之间的联系。 This symbolic gesture has been embraced by their handlers, reinforcing the bond between them and their canine partners. 该方案还包括工作狗的退休福利。 The program also includes retirement benefits for working dogs.