澳大利亚的囚犯训练救援犬,帮助患有创伤后精神紧张症和残疾的退伍军人。 Inmates in Australia train rescue dogs to assist veterans with PTSD and disabilities.
澳大利亚新南威尔士州巴瑟斯特劳改中心的囚犯正在训练救援犬成为创伤后应激障碍和其他残疾退伍军人的服务犬,作为防卫社区犬方案的一部分。 Inmates at Bathurst Correctional Centre in NSW, Australia, are training rescue dogs to become service dogs for veterans with PTSD and other disabilities as part of the Defence Community Dogs program. 这一举措为囚犯提供了一种目的感,同时向民主同盟军人员提供急需的支助动物。 This initiative offers inmates a sense of purpose while providing much-needed support animals to ADF personnel. 这些狗从体重中解救出来或由育种者捐赠,经过培训,帮助退伍军人应对压力和其他挑战。 The dogs, rescued from pounds or donated by breeders, are trained to help veterans cope with stress and other challenges.